Monday, November 26, 2007


Thankfullness is on my mind today. The Holiday season is beginning and it is reminding me of how much I am thankful and grateful for. A warm home, with plenty of wood to burn for the freezing months to come, lots of family and friends to warm my heart, and certainly a bounty of food. Those are some of the major things most of us are happy about, but what about those of us who do not recognize the gifts in every day life?

I remember times back when I was not as thankful even though I had more than I have now for material items. What has helped me to grow is a gamut of studies; however, one of the most profound books for me yet is Dr. Joe Vitale's Zero Limits. The book is about Dr. Hew Len, who uses Self Identity Ho'oponopono to clear negative issues that come into our consciousness from deep within our subconscious self.

An example would daughter is in a bad mood each morning when I go to play with my grandsons. Because this happens over and over and I want it to stop happening, I say to myself and God/Universe: "Whatever is deep within me that causes my daughter to be angry in the mornings, I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." This way I am tapping into the Universal law of reflection and collective consciousness; which states that if something like anger is coming into my life, then there must be something within me that is attracting anger; hence, by clearing it out of me, I am clearing it out of my daughter and the entire collective consciousness. I am taking responsibility for my thoughts, even though three quarters of those thoughts are not even in my awareness. Then I am clear, clear, clear! It becomes habit forming after a while and is quite fun to see how one's mood, as in my daughter's case, can be changed into a happy one simply because I take care of my own negative thought patterns. And yes, she is happier in the mornings now and that to me is a miracle!

You can find the book Zero Limits at and also look up ho' to read further information about Dr. Hew Len's organization.

Thankfulness is not always there for us when we are depressed or in that bad mood, yet all we have to do is some inner clearing and we can climb that emotional scale up to finding something to be grateful about.

I encourage you to try the practice of Ho'oponopono yourself and see what you can change in your outer life by simply clearing your inner life!

P.S. Lady E is wonderful!

Lighting The World, One Soul At A Time

Love & Joy,


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Releasing the Blocks Works!

I can't get over the response to the releasing of old patterns. Ashley from our earlier class expressed great enthusiasm over her recent shifts since beginning to use the tools gained from Soul Speak classes. And oh, but for my own journey!! I am shedding the skin of my ancient self and finding myself better off each day. Who else wants to join this fabulous journey?

Friends, feel free to use these words when you are doing your EFT:

Even though I STILL have some remaining fear about changing I completely love & accept myself!

Break, break, break those patterns!!

And oh friends, wait till you hear about the home workshops we are doing. More info to come SOON!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Class Notes

Another Spectacular Soul Speak: Jumpstart! class was held at Central Maine School of Massage Therapy last Saturday. We doubled our attendance and the passion, interest and lessons learned were inumerable. Our students bring us the greatest Joy as we share and learn one from the other.

Thank you one and all for yet another Fabulously Joyful Day!

Love & Joy,
Lady E. & Druinda

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Soul Speak: Jumpstart!

NEW Class Format at Reduced Price!

Soul Speak: JumpStart!

October 27th

Class held at:
Central Maine School of Massage Therapy

1761 Lisbon St.
Lewiston, ME

Are you challenged by all this talk about manifestation ?
Do you wish for better results in your life?
Well, Friend, help is here.
Introducing easy, fun techniques that bring
remarkable results to your life!

Learn interactive methods of manifestation that help clear away and release old belief patterns.

Hurry! Join teachers
Rhonda Ouellette and Tammy Castonguay
for a thought provoking day of hands on
techniques taught in an easy to learn format.
You will come with an open mind and leave with a full heart.

Gather tools that you can use every day that speak to the
language of your soul!

Emotional Freedom Technique
Writing & Visual Journal
Learn your Money Programing
Lists to help discover your Spiritual Quest
& More!

Amazing results will occur. See improvements in all areas of your life. You are master of your own destiny, now take the reigns and plan a fast trip to the life of your dreams with
Soul Speak: Jumpstart!

October 27th

Class held at:
Central Maine School of Massage Therapy

1761 Lisbon St.
Lewiston, ME

Register with a friend before
October 24th to
receive $5.00 discount!

$50.00 per person
We accept Major Credit Cards, Cash, Checks & Payment Plans

Call or e-mail Rhonda Ouellette and register today!

Future classes will be offered in other towns, we will send the posts two to three weeks prior. If you would like us to come to your home town, give us a call!

Tired of always going out? Gather 6 or more friends and we will travel to your home and teach the
Soul Speak: Jumpstart! class!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Planting Seeds and Alternate "Roots"

5 x 7 acrylic on canvas...USE AN ALTERNATE ROOT...the possibilities are endless. This tree is growing love, riches, gentleness, friendship, relationships and MORE!

Where are your thoughts? You do know that energy follows thought, right? Manifestation is a product of your cumulative thoughts so be very selective. Rather than focus on what's wrong how about choosing to see the good things?! Even the day to day minutia like great hair, or a little song that brings a smile, focus on those things and watch what grows into your reality.

The thought seeds you plant today will soon be a beautiful, full grown, colorful tree...a tree full of the dreams you planted yesterday.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Our recent mini-workshop was so much fun! I thoroughly enjoyed watching the partipants minds grasp some important manifestation concepts. Everyone seemed hungry for more information and I'm glad some of them have made arrangements to join us at our next full day event!

Learning should be a life-long endeavor, don't you agree? These skills we are teaching will help everyone shift to a new way of living. OH THE JOY OF IT!!

I hope everyone remembers that if they want to gather people in the comfort of their own living rooms we'll be glad to do a workshop in that manner, too.

I'm off to clip pictures for my newest vision board...toodles!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Goosebumps and Hair Raisings

Lady E.,

I have found by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin, actually the hair of my army, arm, arms, that when I or someone else speaks a truth that is instrumental in my own evolution, that yes ideed, I too feel electrified. It is like the electromagnetic field has landed upon my body, mostly my upper body because I typically feel the sensations on my arms, neck and head. This field is pulling at me, tugging at me to be alert, my ears in preparation for a dialogue that I am needing to hear. A tingling of sorts, the goosebumps rumble along and then the hairs stand straight up, alluding me to PAY ATTENTION. Where is the Source of such an intimate teaching? Makes me wonder of all the ones before who have stated, "May the Force be with you." I'm thinking they literally mean there is a force to be reckoned with....what do you think Lady E.?

Love & Joy,

Friday, August 17, 2007


My skin seems to chill as my flesh turns into mini mountains forcing the light hairs on my body to stand tall. GOOSEBUMPS dear Druinda signal to me that I am on track. Spirit occassionally needs to tap me on the shoulder and say "That's right, kid, you got the message!" and Spirit does this by setting my energy system alight and forcing me into goosebumps.

It happened again today, Druinda, the goosebumps I mean. Does it happen to you and if it does, what do you think it means? I mean golly goosebumps can't just mean I'm cold, right?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Lady E...honoring my hands

My hands are dynamic. My hands often have a mind of their own. Sometimes it takes my head a few minutes to catch up to what my hands seem to do automatically.

Central to my palm is my energy center where I feel Spirit first. My fire finger is used carefully to control creative endeavors, never is it used to direct pain. The thumb balances the weight of tools I may use, it also balances my fingers. Pinky, ring and middle finger seem to dance with creative energy, who knows where they will take me.

I am Lady E. These are the knotted, sometimes aching fingers that have brought me through athletics, gardening, years of creative undertakings including sewing, drawing, painting, crochet, baking, weaving and more. I realize as I think more of my hands how blessed I am that they work so well, so effortlessly.

Thank you, Sister in Pink, Miss Druinda for reminding me how perfect my hands can be, thank you for helping me honor them. What will we honor next week? I vote for chocolate!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

From the Hand

A few days ago I had the pleasure of sitting with Lady E. in her divine kitchen, creating to our hearts desire. I watched her as she effortlessly layered paint on a board and once dry, traced her hand onto the background. Then she drew intricate lines and designs within the borders of her hands image. I was mesmerized to say the least and as I laid my head on my pillow last night I had visions of my own hand being traced onto paper. A voice said, "Druinda, don't be afraid of creating, tomorrow you trace your hand and it will be beautiful." I slept well knowing that I could let go of my inate fear of placing paint to paper or marker to paper for that matter. This afternoon I did what I was told and was amazed with the ease that I felt as my pen flowed around my hand. While I was filling the inside of my hand with lines, vines began to appear and then the DNA helix and of course I had to have some hearts in there. The story of why my hands were gifted to me began to unfold.

The hearts represent the love I give through touch, the vines are the many directions of my learning/unfolding of self and then the sharing of that information with others, and the DNA helix is a sign to me of the Divine blueprint that all of humanity holds within their self, which is amazingly intricate and as unique as the imagination can possibly imagine. Scroll down to view my I AM Hand.

I encourage you to trace your own hand, see the story that unfolds, find that which is within that you did not even recognize yet. Or perhaps you recognize it and then see it in a different light, there is always more beyond the beyond.

I would love to see your creations and hear your stories/discoveries about your inner goings on. You can send them as an attachment to my e-mail:

And perhaps we can get Lady E. to give us a hand? :)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Soul Speak: Jumpstart!

We, Druinda & Lady E. invite you to join us as we go on a journey of teaching interactive methods of manifestation that help clear away and release old belief patterns. Our workshops will be beginning in early September throughout areas in Maine. We will keep you posted with dates as the events unfold.

Welcome to our world where we believe the miraculous happens on a daily basis and where we continue to learn new/old ways of clearing our own deepest naughtiest beliefs that hold us in a tailspin. Druinda is Rhonda Ouellette of Earth Spirit Healing Center in Mexico, Maine and Lady E. is Tammy Castonguay of Livermore, Maine. Together we share a common focus of bringing forth teachings that will help people to begin the process of recognizing their soul. As any of us begin this process life begins to change for the better because we finally understand more of who we are, why we are here on this earth and also more specifically, what we came here to do.

This blogspot will be a record of thoughts, ideas, inspirations and a way to let all of you know where and when our classes are being offered.

We welcome comments, suggestions and connections with people who are on a similar path.

Light, Love, Joy & Gratitude!
Druinda & Lady E.