Monday, November 26, 2007


Thankfullness is on my mind today. The Holiday season is beginning and it is reminding me of how much I am thankful and grateful for. A warm home, with plenty of wood to burn for the freezing months to come, lots of family and friends to warm my heart, and certainly a bounty of food. Those are some of the major things most of us are happy about, but what about those of us who do not recognize the gifts in every day life?

I remember times back when I was not as thankful even though I had more than I have now for material items. What has helped me to grow is a gamut of studies; however, one of the most profound books for me yet is Dr. Joe Vitale's Zero Limits. The book is about Dr. Hew Len, who uses Self Identity Ho'oponopono to clear negative issues that come into our consciousness from deep within our subconscious self.

An example would daughter is in a bad mood each morning when I go to play with my grandsons. Because this happens over and over and I want it to stop happening, I say to myself and God/Universe: "Whatever is deep within me that causes my daughter to be angry in the mornings, I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." This way I am tapping into the Universal law of reflection and collective consciousness; which states that if something like anger is coming into my life, then there must be something within me that is attracting anger; hence, by clearing it out of me, I am clearing it out of my daughter and the entire collective consciousness. I am taking responsibility for my thoughts, even though three quarters of those thoughts are not even in my awareness. Then I am clear, clear, clear! It becomes habit forming after a while and is quite fun to see how one's mood, as in my daughter's case, can be changed into a happy one simply because I take care of my own negative thought patterns. And yes, she is happier in the mornings now and that to me is a miracle!

You can find the book Zero Limits at and also look up ho' to read further information about Dr. Hew Len's organization.

Thankfulness is not always there for us when we are depressed or in that bad mood, yet all we have to do is some inner clearing and we can climb that emotional scale up to finding something to be grateful about.

I encourage you to try the practice of Ho'oponopono yourself and see what you can change in your outer life by simply clearing your inner life!

P.S. Lady E is wonderful!

Lighting The World, One Soul At A Time

Love & Joy,



Tam I Am said...

For all the goodness in you I am eternally grateful. Amazing teachings.

Anonymous said...

That's some good stuff there Teach', but is that the guy's real name?

I'm guessing he's "from away"...

Keep up the great work, I look forward to your posts.

The Fabs said...

Wonderful post, Rhonda! I look forward to reading the book. I enjoyed Joe Vitale in 'the secret'. A book by another 'secret' teacher I think you would enjoy is 'The Sedona Method' - it's about releasing. I thought of you often as I was reading it. Very powerful.

Enjoy your Winter Solstice celebration - wish I could be there, thank you for the invitation!

Be well, Cindy